Dette er bilder med informasjon Jason Andrew Davies (Jaseman) har laget og delt på Facebook. Jeg har fått lov av han til å dele disse her så dere kan lese de.
Denne er lagt i 2016,han har planer å oppdatere den. Når det skjer satser jeg på å oppdatere dette innlegget.
Her er litt informasjon fra de første bildene:
In 1978, The LEGO Group started creating the LEGOLAND space System.
The first sets were displayed at the Nuremberg Toy Fair, and whilst some of these sets were available in Germany and Denmark, they were not available globally until January 1979.
Today this period/theme is often commonly known as ‘Classic Space’, and the vintage sets are highly valued by collectors. Mint condition and unopened sets
can sell for large sums of money. Even the empty boxes and instruction books are high value items – particularly if they are in great condition.
Many people who grew up during the 1980’s want to recapture the magic, by completing their collections, and sharing the joy of the LEGOLAND Space System with their own children. There is renewed interest in the theme also thanks to ‘The LEGO Movie’ (Featuring a character called ‘Benny’ who is a vintage space astronaut).
The set release dates shown in this book may differ to those found from other sources, but extensive research has been carried out to ensure the highest possible accuracy, and evidence is available on request.
Production of the Classic Space sets ended in 1988 as the Futuron theme was phased in. The Futuron minifigures were distictly different, sporting helmet visors and two-tone torso’s in yellow & white, red & white, blue & white and black & white and the vehicles were generally white with trans-dark blue windows. The original set designers intended to use white and blue, however had to opt for a gray and blue colour scheme because of some early anufacturing limitations.
Classic, Neo-classic & Non-classic Space
Let’s define some terminology:
CLASSIC space models only contain parts that were included in the Classic Space sets produced between 1978-1988.
NEO-CLASSIC is a term that refers to models that use LEGO parts that were never included in any of the Classic Space sets from 1978-1988. Different or newer parts, or parts in alternative colours can add new possibilities, however the standard parts that are included in the Classic Space sets are very versatile. Any model that uses the Bluish-gray colour would automatically be classed as ‘neo-classic’.
NON-CLASSIC models are those that do not contain any parts that were included in the Classic Space sets released between 1978-1988. Even if the part is correct but in a colour that was not used in Classic Space – then it is a non-classic model. Although this book touches on neo-classic and non-classic, they are generally outside of the scope of this book.
Collectors and builders of Classic Space need to be aware of bluish-gray.
In 2004, LEGO discontinued use of the original light and dark gray colours in favour of cleaner looking shades, referred to as light-bluish gray and dark-bluish gray (Also known ay’Bley’)
Some builders are blissfully unaware of this and mix the old and new shades together into their models, however this is frowned upon by the more enlightened builders. When mixing them, the older gray can have a ‘dirty’ appearance in contrast to the new. For this reason, LEGO builders and collectors generally trY to avoid displaying the two shades together, unless they particularly want to use the contrast between shades.
Sets such as the 21109 Exo Suit, 70816 Benny’s Spaceship, and 11910 Micro-Scale Space Cruiser all feature bluish-gray parts.
Det vil komme mer informasjon om den enkelte Classic space settet. På forsiden kan du legge igjen din e-post adresse om du ønsker å få varsel når nye innlegg kommer.
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Fysiske LEGO butikker i Norge: Brikkebutikken på Kongsvinger, CF Bricks i Oslo, Klossehuset i Lier og Brikkeparadis i Moss
I innlegget «Hvor kan du kjøpe LEGO? Nytt og brukt…» finner du alt du trenger å vite om disse butikkene og mye mer til.
Bricklink: Norske butikker, Svenske butikker og Danske butikker. Finn ditt land på Bricklink.
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WOW!!!! This is great
Thanks 🙂
Can you do an MTRON one? maybe a 1 page summary?
I will fix that, there will be an overview of all the different space series throughout the year 🙂