MOC-130818 Galaxy Mech Miner

MOC-130818 Galaxy Mech Miner

Som de fleste vet er Benny opptatt av spaceships, så han driver nå å se på flere forskjellige typer. Det kommer han til å gjøre i flere uker framover, så følg med på BrikkeFrue for å få med deg Spaceship, Spaceship SPACESHIP 😃

Det er mange spaceship MOCs på Rebrickable, denne gangen skal vi se nærmere på MOC-130818 Galaxy Mech Miner. Har du 10497 Galaxy Explorer kan du bygge MOC-130818 Galaxy Mech Miner av denne.

Les også: Space: LL938 Super Galaxy Explorer

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MOC-130818 Galaxy Mech Miner

Navn: Galaxy Mech Miner
Nr: MOC-130818
Designer: Eclipse_
Antall deler: 856
Pris for instruks: €10.00

For mer informasjon, bilder og byggeinstruksjonen finner du på Rebrickable.

Eclipse_ har skrevet følgene om sin MOC-130818 Galaxy Mech Miner

Galaxy Mech Miner
With the classic space series coming back with the new space explorer, we need more than just a spaceship to conqueer the galaxy.
This is why this mech miner need to be deployed on any of your galaxy bases, to explore and gather ressources, allowing to expand always further !

About :
The build is really stable and strong, it can be displayed as long as you want. You can put two minifigs in the two cockpit places, the top one being sit down and the bottom one is standing, piloting the mech as a suit. The arms are the only parts that can be moved around, and do not have much room. Otherwise, the whole body and legs is one solid block and does not move to guarantee extra stability.
If you have any questions or trouble building this alternate build, feel free to dm me !
Enjoy your build !
This MOC is an Alternate Build of the 10497 Galaxy Explorer


Kilder: Rebrickable

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