MOC Space veier og landings felt

MOC Space veier og landings felt

Som de fleste vet er Benny opptatt av spaceships, så han driver nå å se på flere forskjellige typer. Benny har de siste ukene sett på mange spaceship, nå vil han se på space veier og landings felt til sine spaceship. Så denne gangen skal vi se nærmere på flere MOCs. Alle space veier og landings felt i dette innlegget er laget av Pål Risebrobakken, og alle hans MOCs ligger instruksjonene gratis på Rebrickable. Disse space veier og landings felt er i utgangspunktet laget for å passe 10497 Galaxy Explorer, men passer selvsagt til andre spaceship i den skalaen.

Vi har tidligere skrevet om hans Space: LL938 Super Galaxy Explorer. Vi har også delt bilder fra hans utstilling på Kloss22.

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MOC Space veier og landings felt


MOC-119783 Landing Plate for the new 10497 Galaxy Explorer

MOC-119783 Landing Plate for the new 10497 Galaxy Explorer

MOC-119783 Landing Plate for the new 10497 Galaxy Explorer

Navn: Landing Plate for the new 10497 Galaxy Explorer
Nr: MOC-119783
Designer: paalrise
Antall deler:
Pris for instruks: Gratis

For flere bilder, informasjon og byggeinstruksjonen finner du på Rebrickable.

paalrise har skrevet følgene om sin MOC-119783 Landing Plate for the new 10497 Galaxy Explorer

Update 26/8-2022:


I discovered that I made made an error in the design 🙁 I’ve updated the instructions and inventory.


Personally I prefer the old design, but that means that you have to use som old and harder to find parts.


Part 4770 replaces part 58176.
8 additional LGB 3069b
8 additional LBG 3024
8 less of LBG 3070b
8 less of LBG 85861

IF you prefer the old design, but can’t get hold of the 4770, you’ll have a lamp that won’t go all the way down.


I’ve added some pcitures of the two designs. I’ve not replaced the photo’s.

I love the new LEGO set 10497 Galaxy Explorer! But, there’s something missing, the Moonbase and the Landing plate.


The Moonbase and Landing Plate was originally designed for a buildingcontest in the local LUG here in Norway, Brikkelauget.


Here is my Landing Plate, 1,5 time bigger than the original found in set 306 Two Lunar Landing Plates. Made to match the new 10497 Galaxy Explorer.


MOC-119785 Landing Plate Road for the new 10497 Galaxy Explorer

MOC-119785 Landing Plate Road for the new 10497 Galaxy Explorer

MOC-119785 Landing Plate Road for the new 10497 Galaxy Explorer

Navn: Landing Plate Road for the new 10497 Galaxy Explorer
Nr: MOC-119785
Designer: paalrise
Antall deler: 480
Pris for instruks: Gratis

For flere bilder, informasjon og byggeinstruksjonen finner du på Rebrickable.

paalrise har skrevet følgene om sin MOC-119785 Landing Plate Road for the new 10497 Galaxy Explorer

11/8-22 14:41: Hi, uploaded new instructions to correct some errors. Also corrected the inventory. Uploaded new images as well 🙂


I love the new LEGO set 10497 Galaxy Explorer! But, there’s something missing, the Moonbase and the Landing plate. I also need the road section of set 306 Two Lunar Landing Plates.


The Moonbase and Landing Plate was originally designed for a buildingcontest in the local LUG here in Norway, Brikkelauget.


Here is my Landing Plate Road section, 1,5 time bigger than the original found in set 306 Two Lunar Landing Plates. Made to match the new 10497 Galaxy Explorer.


MOC-122162 Lunar Road Cross Plate matching Classic Space 2022 (10497 compatible)

MOC-122162 Lunar Road Cross Plate matching Classic Space 2022 (10497 compatible)

MOC-122162 Lunar Road Cross Plate matching Classic Space 2022 (10497 compatible)

Navn: Lunar Road Cross Plate matching Classic Space 2022 (10497 compatible)
Nr: MOC-122162
Designer: paalrise
Antall deler: 561
Pris for instruks: Gratis

For flere bilder, informasjon og byggeinstruksjonen finner du på Rebrickable.

paalrise har skrevet følgene om sin MOC-122162 Lunar Road Cross Plate matching Classic Space 2022 (10497 compatible)

After building the missing Moonbase and Landing Field for the new 10497 Galaxy Explorer this summer, I thought why not make a matching Road Cross Plate as well:) So I did 🙂 And I finally got enough tiles to finish it 🙂


MOC-123290 Lunar Road Plate matching Classic Space 2022 (10497 compatible)

MOC-123290 Lunar Road Plate matching Classic Space 2022 (10497 compatible)

MOC-123290 Lunar Road Plate matching Classic Space 2022 (10497 compatible)

Navn: Lunar Road Plate matching Classic Space 2022 (10497 compatible)
Nr: MOC-123290
Designer: paalrise
Antall deler: 408
Pris for instruks: Gratis

For flere bilder, informasjon og byggeinstruksjonen finner du på Rebrickable.

paalrise har skrevet følgene om sin MOC-123290 Lunar Road Plate matching Classic Space 2022 (10497 compatible)

After building the missing Moonbase and Landing Field for the new 10497 Galaxy Explorer this summer, I thought why not make a matching Road Plate as well:) So I did 🙂 And I finally got enough tiles to finish it 🙂


MOC-123478 Lunar Road Plate Turn matching Classic Space 2022 (10497 compatible)

MOC-123478 Lunar Road Plate Turn matching Classic Space 2022 (10497 compatible)

MOC-123478 Lunar Road Plate Turn matching Classic Space 2022 (10497 compatible)

Navn: Lunar Road Plate Turn matching Classic Space 2022 (10497 compatible)
Nr: MOC-123478
Designer: paalrise
Antall deler:
Pris for instruks:

For flere bilder, informasjon og byggeinstruksjonen finner du på Rebrickable.

paalrise har skrevet følgene om sin MOC-123478 Lunar Road Plate Turn matching Classic Space 2022 (10497 compatible)

After building the missing Moonbase and Landing Field for the new 10497 Galaxy Explorer this summer, I just had to build a matching Road Plate with turn as well:) Fun on a Friday night 🙂


MOC-146202 Double Lunar Landing Field for the LL938 Super Galaxy Explorer

MOC-146202 Double Lunar Landing Field for the LL938 Super Galaxy Explorer

MOC-146202 Double Lunar Landing Field for the LL938 Super Galaxy Explorer

Navn: Double Lunar Landing Field for the LL938 Super Galaxy Explorer
Nr: MOC-146202
Designer: paalrise
Antall deler: 1384
Pris for instruks: Gratis

For flere bilder, informasjon og byggeinstruksjonen finner du på Rebrickable.

paalrise har skrevet følgene om sin MOC-146202 Double Lunar Landing Field for the LL938 Super Galaxy Explorer

This is the Landing Field I made to go with my LL938 Super Galaxy Explorer. I used this on my display at Kloss22 in October 2022. You’ll also see that my LL938 is placed on the Landing Field on some of the pictures for the spaceship.

Link to the LL938 Super Galaxy Explorer:


MOC-160240 Quadruple Lunar Landing Field for the LL938 Super Galaxy Explorer

MOC-160240 Quadruple Lunar Landing Field for the LL938 Super Galaxy Explorer

MOC-160240 Quadruple Lunar Landing Field for the LL938 Super Galaxy Explorer

Navn: Quadruple Lunar Landing Field for the LL938 Super Galaxy Explorer
Nr: MOC-160240
Designer: paalrise
Antall deler: 2497
Pris for instruks: Gratis

For flere bilder, informasjon og byggeinstruksjonen finner du på Rebrickable.

paalrise har skrevet følgene om sin MOC-160240 Quadruple Lunar Landing Field for the LL938 Super Galaxy Explorer

This is my new and bigger Landing Field to go with my LL938 Super Galaxy Explorer. From now on I’m going to use this one when I’m displaying my LL938 Super Galaxy Explorer. The LL938 needs a bigger Landing Field than the old one.

Link to the LL938 Super Galaxy Explorer:

Link to the video about the new Landing Field:



MOC-171440 Triple Lunar Landing plates (2022, 10497 compatible)

MOC-171440 Triple Lunar Landing plates (2022, 10497 compatible)

Navn: Triple Lunar Landing plates (2022, 10497 compatible)
Nr: MOC-171440
Designer: paalrise
Antall deler: 24097
Pris for instruks: Gratis

For flere bilder, informasjon og byggeinstruksjonen finner du på Rebrickable.

paalrise har skrevet følgene om sin MOC-171440 Triple Lunar Landing plates (2022, 10497 compatible)

Hi, some of you might have noticed that I swapped my Double Lunar Landing Field ( for my LL938 Super Galaxy Explorer ( with a new Quadruple Lunar Landing Field ( late 2023. See my video about the Quadruple Landing Field here



Kilder: Rebrickable

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