Utforsk kosmos en Ideas konkurranse
Nå kan du bygge et space relatert bygg, enten en bygning eller kjøretøy. Er du den heldige vinneren får du settet ditt som et ekte LEGO sett. Hva som kreves av bygget ditt kan du lese om i dette innlegget.
Viktige datoer for denne konkurransen:
Frist for å sende inn ditt bidrag: 23. januar til 21. februar
Ekspertvurdering: 22. februar til 28. februar
Publikum kan stemme: 28. februar til 6. mars
Vinner kunngjøring: 13. mars
På Ideas sine sider her kan du sende inn ditt bidrag: https://ideas.lego.com/challenges/7c37425a-7cc4-4188-b3bf-a43316396101
LEGO Ideas har lagt ut denne på sin blogg:
Can you imagine how awesome the spacecraft and bases on planets will look like in 100+ years as humans start to explore the cosmos?
Using LEGO Bricks, we’re looking for our greatest intrepid explorers on LEGO Ideas to build space exploration vehicles and planetary bases!
Space scooters, hoverboards and balloons could work to get people where they need to go. But what about when they get there? We’d also love to see crazy futuristic homes for Minifigures to stay in, filled with futuristic tech.
Your submissions should use between 150 – 250 elements, in order to be accepted in this challenge. No IP references will be allowed, and be sure to start your submission title with either ‘Base:’ or ‘Vehicle:’ depending on your submission.
Two winners of the Fan Vote for this challenge will have the exclusive opportunity to see their submission transformed into an official LEGO Ideas Insiders Reward set! One base and one vehicle will be selected.
The Fan Vote for this challenge will feature a maximum of 30 submissions, made up of 50% vehicles and 50% bases.
As a Grand Prize winner of this contest, you will get the exclusive opportunity to have your model transformed into a new LEGO Ideas Insiders Reward set and 10 copies of the final set. On top of that, you will also receive the following:
- 10283 NASA Space Shuttle Discovery
- 21340 Tales of the Space Age
- 42158 NASA Mars Rover Perseverance
- 31152 Astronaut
- 42180 Mars Crew Exploration Rover
ENTRY DEADLINE: Submit your entry no later than the 21st of February, 2024 at 6:00 a.m. EST. If you’re not sure what time zone you’re in, here’s a time zone converter. We recommend submitting your entry 2-3 days before the deadline in the event we have to return it to you for changes. If your entry is submitted before the intake closing date but is sent back to you for changes, you will have until February 22nd, 2024 at 6:00 a.m. EST. to resubmit. Resubmissions after this will not be accepted. If you’re not sure what time zone you’re in, here’s time zone converter.
Head on over to the challenge page to read the challenge rules and get started!
If you have any questions drop them in the comments down below.
Some of you may have noticed that the artwork from this challenge, is using a submission from our Design the Ultimate Postcard for Space Exploration challenge from 2023! It is in fact the Andromeda Galaxy submission by Delusion Brick. We worked with them on sharing the original photos from their submission, in order to create these assets.
Firstly, a huge thank you to Delusion Brick for being so accommodating. We had the idea to further celebrate this submission for this challenge and we may end up using designs and submissions from Ideas members even more in the future.
Kilder: LEGO Ideas blog, Sende inn ditt bidrag
Fysiske LEGO butikker i Norge: Brikkebutikken på Kongsvinger, CF Bricks i Oslo, Klossehuset i Lier og Brikkeparadis i Moss
I innlegget «Hvor kan du kjøpe LEGO? Nytt og brukt…» finner du alt du trenger å vite om disse butikkene og mye mer til.
Bricklink: Norske butikker, Svenske butikker og Danske butikker. Finn ditt land på Bricklink.
De siste innleggene
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- KLOSSexpo 2024
- Icons: 10333 Ringenes herre: Barad-dûr™
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